What Is a Slab Leak and How Does One Detect It? – Interior Painting Tips

It’s not an outside source. The faucets are all working fine. You can hear the water running even when your appliances are shut off. Where is the water coming from? If you live on a slab foundation you might have to think about the possibility of broken copper pipes in the concrete. Slab leak detection is the method of finding the source of your house’s leak. It is an area that plumbers need to be proficient in, but homeowners would benefit from understanding how this process operates as well as what it means.
The plumbers begin with an inspection of water quality in the sewer. They after which they double-check the entire house for leaks. Assuming they find similar results to yours the next step is to take the next step to do slab leak investigation. In order to find leaks, they’ll first put in a ball-stopper. To ensure that foundations are not damaged or cracks in the water supply need to be addressed. Once enough tests have been done beneath the house to pinpoint the origin of the problem The plumber will be able to locate it.