Why it is Important to Care for Trees – Home Improvement Videos

By caring for your trees, you will prevent costly problems. The Smiling Gardner gives you everything that you need to know about trees and tree care.
At the start, an unplanted tree needs to be watered twice each week or every three days. A young tree’s root system is not well developed and therefore, it’s likely to have greater difficulty getting water than mature trees. Don’t put anything in the soil under your young tree for at the least one year. The last thing you want is plant competing in the same way as your newly planted tree. Take care to remove any weeds growing beneath the tree.
For young trees or sick trees, think about cutting off the grass around the tree. This ensures it has nothing to rival for water. It is possible to reduce the size of trees by as much as 50% if it has grass that extends right to its branch. Place mulch around the tree so that the moisture can stay around the tree. The mulch should be no more than 3 inches for termites to stay out of the way.
Older trees need trimming to help them stay in good health. They’ll be producing more fruits as well as flowers. Also, it prevents them from dying and becoming hazards to your home.