What is a Fire Alarm System and How Can it Protect Your Business? – Wall Street News

Though these systems might be legally required in some cases, it is important to ensure that anyone who lives or works within buildings is aware of the procedure to warn everyone of a likely fire.
Every fire alarm system will make use of some kind of detector to sense the presence of smoke. There are various types of sensors, from sophisticated to simple ones to those which require human beings who pull levers to warn the entire public about a fire. Each fire alarm emits an sound once the sensor is triggered. This is usually an alarm bell or siren. It is suggested for property owners to periodically test their fire alarm system as well as conduct a mock fire drill so that everyone inside a structure will be aware of the sound of the alarm and sounds like.
Modern systems transmit an alert to the local fire department. The systems typically are found within public facilities. Most residential systems require that residents call 911 when they have left their homes. h8snlcxh21.